Adult Ministries

Game Night

Game Night

Do you love board games? Come to Game Night! This event happens every other month and is sponsored by The Crowd – a group for Trinity members and friends (18 years and up) to connect through informal kid-free events. Bring your favorite tabletop games, a snack to...

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Lutheran Women in Mission

Lutheran Women in Mission

Ladies at Trinity, looking for ways to get involved? The Lutheran Women in Mission (LWML) groups at Trinity will be starting their meetings in September and run through May.   Women with Mission - Our group focuses on Bible study and fellowship, supporting a...

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Adult Choir is Starting

Adult Choir is Starting

Choir Season is here! High school age and older members of Trinity are invited to join the Adult Choir. The choir will resume rehearsals on Wednesday, September 4, 7:00 - 8:30 pm in the church balcony. Come and be a part of the music ministry of Trinity Lutheran...

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Men’s Bible Study

Men’s Bible Study

“The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want...” - Psalm 23 Join us on the 3rd Saturday of each month at 9:30 am in the lobby of the downtown campus for a time of fellowship and study of God’s Word. We will be starting a new book, "A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23". Travel...

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Men’s Ministry

Trinity men’s ministry offers men of the congregation three things: solid, Christ-centered resources for spiritual growth; ample occasions for fun and fellowship; and the opportunity for members to use their God-given talents and time to make a powerful impact in their world.

The group meets for Bible Study on the third Saturday of each month at 9:30am in the Narthex of the downtown church campus, 220 S. Second St.

There are also opportunities for fellowship among the men of our congregation through serving in the following capacities:

  • Ushers at Worship Services, contact
    Steve Rossman –
  • Volunteer cleaners for church sanctuary – contact Karen Summers –
  • Property Management workday – TBA – contact Cindy Furling –


Questions: contact Shaun Opperman (, John Boehme (, Scott Anderson (


Women’s Ministry

Trinity offers several opportunities for women to connect, serve, enjoy fellowship and grow in their relationship with Christ.

Ladies Aid

Ladies Aid has been a part of Trinity for more than 120 years and a member of the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League for over 50 years. All women are welcome to join this group for luncheons and fellowship meetings at noon on the second Wednesday of each month (September through May) in the Parish Hall located on the school campus. Ladies Aid members oversee communion set-up, arrange for altar flower sponsors, and much more. Ladies Aid also supports many community organizations as part of their mission and outreach focus.

Women with Mission

Join other Christian women who assist and encourage each other in affirming their relationship with God and use their gifts to support Trinity and other community organizations. The Women with Mission group is also a member of the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League. The group gathers on the first Monday of each month at 6:30 pm for devotional Bible studies, fellowship and support. Contact Mary Denham at for more information.

Trinity Quilters

The Trinity Quilters group gathers each Thursday from 9 am – 2:30 pm throughout the year to work on hand-quilting projects and enjoy fellowship. Proceeds from the projects they complete allow the group to sponsor a student from Concordia Seminary and to donate to other worthwhile causes within the community.

World Relief Quilters

Trinity’s Lutheran World Relief Quilters group meets 9 am – 3 pm on Mondays in October, and then reconvenes in January and continues meeting weekly through Easter. This group hand ties blankets and quilts to send to mission outposts throughout the world through the Lutheran World Relief organization.