Facility Usage

We are pleased to announce that an updated Facility Use Policy is now available. The policy has been revised to provide clarity regarding the process for reserving space and the expectations for responsible parties in caring for our facilities. In addition, this policy introduces new guidelines for those interested in reserving space for private, non-Trinity events.

As has been our policy in the past, reservation/rental of Trinity facilities for private events is only available to Trinity Lutheran Church members. We will now offer an onsite supervisor for all private events to provide access to the building, supervise the use of facilities, ensure proper clean-up is completed, and to handle any operation of the AV equipment. A reasonable rental fee structure has also been added to the policy to compensate the onsite supervisor and help offset the resources needed to maintain our facilities.

Click here to access the new policy. If you have any questions, please contact our Facilities Manager, Mr. Ben Banning at bbanning@trinity-lutheran.com.

Click here access our Event/Announcement Submission Form to initiate the request for facility space. This form should be utilized for all Trinity sponsored events, as well as a first step for inquiries regarding facility usage for private, non-Trinity events.

For Private, Non-Trinity Events: Once we confirm that space is available at your desired date/time, we will request that you complete the Trinity Facility Use Agreement.