Bible Study Opportunity

Saints of Trinity, as God’s people, we are called to gather together to study His Word and build one another up, to grow in faith and ready ourselves for the mission field. To that end, we are pleased to begin offering additional opportunities to gather around the Word. Starting this Fall, Trinity Lutheran Church will begin to offer multiple classes for a variety of age groups on Wednesday nights.

We will begin together with the Prayer Service at 5:30 pm and then disperse to various classes.

  • Adults
  • High School 
  • Middle School (5th-8th Grade)
  • Elementary (K-4th Grade)
  • Child Care (Babies-Pre-Kindergarten)

Bible study classes begin September 4.

Dr. Ken Schurb will be leading a study using LifeLight Foundations: Ministry

Classes will be using the LCMS Youth Ministry resources for Bible study and conversation.

5th-8th graders will be using the LCMS Youth Ministry resources for Bible study and conversation.

Children Kindergarten-4th Grade will have an extra opportunity to learn about God’s Word.

Child care is provided for babies through Pre-Kindergarten.