Prayer Request

We know the power of prayer and God’s invitation to make our requests known to Him.  As the Body of Christ, we want to support you in your prayer life. “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” – Philippians 4:6


Prayer Warriors

Trinity Lutheran Church has a large and dedicated prayer team in place through our Building Caring Relationships (BCR) in Christ group. Prayer requests may be made to the BCR group by emailing All 70+ members will be alerted to your present need and will have the opportunity to begin praying immediately. If you prefer, you may email prayer leader, Cathy Von De Bur at and she can contact the group on your behalf. Prayer requests may also be submitted on the back of Worship Service attendance cards or by contacting the church office at 217.787.2323.

Prayer Page

Prayer requests made through the BCR email group are published every two weeks and made available at Worship Services and in the church office. If you prefer that your prayer request not be published on the Prayer Page, please make that known at the time your request is submitted.

Pastoral Prayer Request

If you would like to submit a prayer request to our pastoral staff, please complete the form below or contact the church office at 217.787.2323. Pastoral prayer requests are added to the prayer list included in our Worship Services as well as the published prayer page. If you wish for your prayer request to remain private, please be sure to indicate this preference.