Business Sponsorship Fundraiser
This fundraising program aims to provide Trinity with continuous funds for much-needed maintenance and updates around the school. This fundraising program aims to support projects like renovating the lunch room, revamping the extended care room, and many other projects to come. It will also provide support to Trinity’s sports and youth extra curricular activities.
This program consists of utilizing our gym for advertising your business’s logo. We would display your logo in our gym for a year, 2 year, or 3 year contract. The sooner you sign up, the better chance you have of securing a prominent spot. Our gym has a high traffic flow, especially during sports tournaments, practices, and games. We look forward to working with you.
Round Levels:
Round 1:
provides a larger size for maximum visibility
Round 2:
offers a slightly smaller size, but still provides ample space to showcase your logo.
1 Year Contract:
The cost for a one-year contract is $500 for a spot on our round 1 tier. The cost for a one-year contract is $450 for a spot on our round 2 tier.
2 Year Contract:
The cost for a two-year contract is $750 for a spot on our round 1 tier. The cost for a two-year contract is $675 for a spot on our round 2 tier.
3 Year Contract:
The cost for a three-year contract is $1,000 for a spot on our round 1 tier. The cost for a three-year contract is $900 for a spot on our round 2 tier.

Thank you for considering our fundraising program at Trinity Lutheran School. We are grateful for your support. As a token of our appreciation, we are including a complimentary Trinity Swag item with all three year contracts. Your generosity is truly appreciated.