Tiger League

Are you interested in getting more involved in the Trinity Lutheran School community? Tiger League is a great place to start! Send an email to tigerleague@trinity-lutheran.com to find out how you can get involved today!
Tiger League Co-Chairs: Jessica Gottschalk and Caryn Tripp
Trinity’s Tiger League provides a coordinated approach to our former PTL and Athletic Committee groups. Tiger League promotes positive engagement within the school community and provides an opportunity for parents to connect. Examples of activities coordinated and supported by Trinity’s Tiger League include:
- Nerf Battle
- Pie Sales
- Restaurant Fundraiser Nights
- Christmas Shop
- Family Skate Night
- Valentine’s Day Lollipop Games
- Glow Dance
- Fall New Family Night
- Teacher Appreciation Week
- Uniform Exchange
- Book Fair
- Admissions and Concessions for Athletic Events
Fundraising activities coordinated by Tiger League help offset the cost of:
- Classroom field trips
- Teacher professional development and conferences
- Classroom wishlist items
- Athletic supplies and uniforms
- 8th grade class trip